October 2022
Abstract Thoughts Gallery, Darlinghurst

Pillow Talk

Jennifer Brady, Chelsea Coon, J Davies, Jamila Main, Nicola Smith

We usually associate the bed with sleep or rest. However, the bed serves as an essential stage, a multipurpose fulcrum in our lives. Pillow Talk explores this existential architecture as a place or territory that silently witnesses life’s moments, rhythms and cycles. We occupy this space from birth to death, for love and pleasure, through comfort and discomfort; within the banality of the everyday and its beginnings and ends.

Together the artists in Pillow Talk invite us under the covers into the unseen, the vulnerable, the private and the intimate to offer us a heartfelt familiarity, closeness, and softness. Revealing and concealing our identities, the bed performs a vital role in mediating the constantly shifting relationships between the self, others, and the world we inhabit, where the conscious and subconscious become blurred and diffused.


Hey Siri, can you die of a broken heart?


with fragile objects comes devotion